seaman on boardMany Pinoy seafarers thought that applying for a maritime loan simply involves coming over to the office as a walk in applicant to the nearest lending company they can find in the Philippines. It could be true in some cases but for a professional loan consultant like me, I have countless experience with clients trying to bail out of high interest rate loans simply because they don’t know what to do as soon as they walk in the door of a loan provider. Furthermore, walk in applicants always end up having nobody to do follow up of  their submitted documents once processing starts. An advantage will always be best for those who opt in for assistance, wisely. All these, sad to say is because of being naive and literally new to how lending works for seafarers. Another factor is the fear of getting charged with broker’s fee or agent’s fee by having referred by a local seaman loan agent. This is a very big mistake.

know loan optionsA wrong perception that when put into action could result to even more disastrous high interest rate computation for your loan application. Bottom line is, always ask the right question before you get assistance from an agent. Always make sure that the lending company you are going to submit your documentary requirements won’t charge you with broker’s fee, after all, it completely against the law to charge hidden fees to any one and that includes Pinoy seafarers looking to apply for seaman loan. Always remember that your best protection from getting scammed in any way is to ask and ask and even ask more.

And then, the sooner you ask, try to think it out. Always have a reservation but be a critical thinker. You don’t always end up with the best loan consultant who won’t scam you up and have you computed for you seaman loan application with the high interest choice. Not everybody out there is like me. I always make sure to refer my clients first to the provider on my list of multiple top lending companies all over the Philippines with the lowest interest rate first. After all, what I am looking for is a long term relationship with my clients and not just to go over with their application and get my affiliation commission at the end of the processing of the loan application by the maritime worker.

You should learn from experience too. Walking in will not always give you all the advantages you will need in order to get in to a win win situation with your loan application but with the right loan consultant and not just your regular agent, you can rest assured to get the best service at literally no extra cost. Yes! my services are absolutely 100% FREE so why not avail?

Are you on to applying for a seaman loan? Then know how you can avail of the lowest interest rate at only 2.75% by clicking HERE and filling up my form.